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Mandi is a major city of Mandi district as well as Himachal Pradesh is located in the banks of the Beas river. It has long been an important commercial market; Mandi was on the salt route of the Ladhakh, Tibet traders. Mandi is also renowned for its 81 old strong stone temples and their enormous range of fine carvings, it is often called the "Varanasi of the Hills". Princely State of Mandi was founded by Bahu sen in 1200 Ad, but Ajbar sen was the one who established historical city of Mandi in 1526 AD.

How to Reach:- 

By Bus: - Mandi is well connected by road to other places.

By Rail: - Joginder Nagar is the nearest Railway Station only 55 km from Mandi.

By Air: - Bhunter is the nearest Airport just 60 km from Mandi.


The temperature in summer is Maximum 40 °C and minimum is 19 °C and in winter 26 °C Maximum and minimum is 5°C and average rainfall in the city is 1100 mm.

Main Attractions of Mandi:- 


Mandi has a historical Gurudwara in honor of Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh Guru, who spent time in Mandi. The Gurudwara is also unofficially called him Gurudwara Palang Sahib, because the Guru's 'Palang' is still here.

Rewalsar Lake

About 25 km from Mandi, 14 km from Ner Chowk is the Rewalsar Lake, Famous for its floating islands of reed. It is believed that all seven of them can be moved by prayer of breeze. There are three shrines here, a Buddhist Monastery, where elaborate rituals are performed. A Sikh Gurudwara and a Hindu temple.

Sunder Nagar
It is famous for its temples, at a height of 1174 meters on the raised edge of fertile valley, the town of sundernagar is known for its shady walks amidst towering trees.

Bhootnath Temple

Practically Synonymous with Mandi and located in its very heart, this is old as the city itself, and dates back to the 1520s. It has a Nandi or God Shiva's bull facing the ornamental double arch to the sanctuary. The modern shrines nearby are brightly painted. In the month, of March, the festival of Shivratri is a major event and Bhootnath temple is its focus.

Tarna Temple

It is also called Shyamkali temple, this temple is situated in the Tarna hill, which rises above the city. Raja Syama sen built the temple in 17th century.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Reading and Writing is my passion. Browsing through your site gives me a lot of knowledge in so many ways. Thank you for the efforts for sharing your points of view , How To Reach , Attractions. Happy Hop Around India........

  2. Unknown says:

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